Stardate 16.5 PULSAR wallet update

1 min readApr 20, 2022

The DeltaV THRUST PULSAR wallet is necessary for the the hyper-deflation of the DeltaV THRUST token. At issue is locking the wallet to increase community confidence. At this time no acceptable time lock vesting solution has been found. Team Finance linear lock does accumulate rewards. In the future Team Finance will be used to lock portions of the PULSAR wallet on a timed schedule to be released and removed from circulation. Today, the creation of a gnosis-safe multisignature wallet shows rewards accumulate in a multisignature vault. Multisignature vaults offer a layer of protection to holders where no one person has control of the assets in the safe. The next step is to lock 51% of the PULSAR wallet in a multisignature wallet to increase community confidence in the integrity of the DeltaV THRUST project. Testing of the Gnosis multisignature wallet has shown that when the vote of each team member is present the accumulated assets can be removed from circulation. Further research and / or in house development of a vested time lock contract will continue. DeltaV THRUST is using real world business principals to further project development. For this reason 51% of the PULSAR wallet will be locked in the vault where no one team member has access to the projects hyper-deflationary asset pool. The test transaction is viewable at




DeltaV THRUST 0x969F60Bfe17962E0f061B434596545C7b6Cd6Fc4